
assistens kirkegård.

von trapp kids meet hipkids.

button up shirt - arrow, jumpsuit - michael huang, oxfords - royal republiq, bag - quiksilver.
after three weeks of intermittent sewingdisrupted by 8 days of architectural traipsing through stockholm, helsinki, and the backwoods of finlandthe jumpsuit is finally complete. more a product of trial and error than precise patternmaking, the primary objective was to conserve as much of the fabric as possible while simultaneously exploring the catch and release of volume through folds, tucks, and pleats. the pattern pieces were conceived as rectangles, shaped with the minimal removal of arcs, and laid out as tetris pieces rather than according to traditional grain alignments. imbricated rows of zigzag stitching and an exposed brass zipper serve as textural contrast to the sueded khaki twill.
photography - dustin brugmann


visual reference.

WWII fighter pirates


wrapping tape and butcher paper


lucky numbers.

eighty-eight is an untouchable number.